Haemostatic agents and dogs

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With very serious bleeds, direct pressure will not be enough to stop the bleed. Luckily, we have things like haemostatic dressings and haemostatic agents that we can use to try and stop the bleed. These are products that have something in them that will bind with the blood and stop the bleeding. There are various types. I am just going to show you how they would work. We have a pack of granules here and we will mix them with water. And we could just show you what happens. So this is just water in here. So these granules will mix with the blood and with this particular one, it should stop the bleeding within three minutes. There are faster-acting ones, such as this one, which is a rapid one. These products are all made by Celox, which is a type of haemostatic product. So the rapid one will work within one minute, but most of these will work within three minutes. The idea is that you pack the wound with one of these products. They come in a swab, a gauze. So this is a haemostatic gauze. It is impregnated with the substance and if you pack that into the wound and hold it in there, it is going to stop the bleeding.

Alternatively, you have got these granules and you pour the granules, as I have done with this one, into the wound. And again, it will then stop the bleeding. These are really good for deep internal wounds and where you have to stop that bleeding. And there isn't much you can do. And even applying direct pressure is not going to be enough to even stem the flow. They are just going to keep on flowing. So if you have one of these, act quickly. Act as quickly as you can and then give it time to do its job. Already with these ones that I put in the cup of water, they have started to bind and clump together. And this is what would happen with the blood when they came in contact with it. Really effective and really useful life-saving equipment to use, before you then get your pet to the vet, where they can examine and try and find where the initial bleeds come from and sort that out as a permanent fix.