Grass Seeds

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How to Identify and Respond to Grass Seeds in Dogs

Understanding the Risk

Grass seeds can pose a significant problem for dogs during the summer months. These seeds are short, spiky, and extremely sharp. They can affect various parts of the body but are most commonly found:

  • Between the toes and the skin in between.
  • In the eye.
  • In the ear.

Signs of Grass Seed Issues

If a grass seed is causing your dog discomfort, you may notice the following behaviours:

  • Foot: Holding the foot up or excessive licking.
  • Ear: Shaking the head or scratching the ear.
  • Eye: Squinting or rubbing the eye.

Grass seeds are extremely pointy and can travel in one direction, causing significant tissue damage as they move.

Immediate Actions to Take

If you suspect your dog has a grass seed lodged in their foot, ear, or eye, follow these steps:

  • Inspect the Area: Look for the tip of the grass seed. In the ear, it may be deeper and harder to access.
  • Remove Carefully: If you see the grass seed, gently grip and pull it out, avoiding any sharp tools that could cause the seed to snap.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

If you cannot remove the grass seed yourself or if your dog is showing significant discomfort, it is crucial to contact your vet immediately. Grass seeds can cause infections and further damage if not properly removed. In some cases, sedation may be required to locate and extract the seed.

Preventing Further Damage

Regularly check your dog after walks in long grass, paying close attention to their feet, ears, and eyes. Early detection and removal of grass seeds can prevent serious complications.


Grass seeds can cause significant harm to dogs if not promptly addressed. By being vigilant and seeking veterinary assistance when necessary, you can ensure your dog's health and comfort during the summer months.