Bandaging the hip

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A wound over the top of the thigh area or around the hip is also quite tricky to bandage just because of the movement of the back leg. They will try and shuffle out of the bandage and it will slip because if they are carrying on using the limb and extending and flexing those joints, then it's going to be quite a lot of movement through the bandage. So you are just going to try and keep a dressing on a wound the best way you can. It's not always going to end up the same way. The same thing applies with all bandaging. Do not put it on too tight, and if your dog does seem uncomfortable or distressed by it, it's better to leave the bandage off. If you had an injury over here, I would look at putting the dressing on there. Covering it with the the bandage material to start with. And then try and use the rest of the body to hold that on. If you just try and wrap this bandage around the top of the leg, 100% that's going to slip down, so I would use the rest of the body to try and anchor it to that leg. So I would go around to the belly of the animal here, make sure it's really comfortable, if they do have any other wounds anywhere else or they are injured or bruised around their abdomen, we do not want to be putting a bandage around here.

You can use this around the back of the other leg as well to just go underneath the groin area on this other side, which I will show you when we come around to this side. So this is your anchor around the other back leg, and then you can start to bandage around this one. So around the back of the thigh muscle. In shorter leg dogs, you probably have to go across the knee there as well, across the stifle. You can just wrap that around a couple of times just to keep that in place. And then I would finish that back off with coming over the other side to try and anchor that to the rest of the body into the other leg. That will hopefully help that dressing from slipping down. And you want to, again, make sure that you can get your finger underneath all sides of the dressing. It is just to keep the pad in place to prevent contamination and to stop the bleeding so you do not need it to be too tight, you just need that to be held in place for a period of time before you then get to the vet's.